Is that like saying judge yourself...and stop judging others?
The Dragon
JoinedPosts by The Dragon
by juni injehovah the god of the hebrew scriptures treatment of his creation is questionable.. jesus (his son) of the greek scriptures only on one occasion lost his temper - in the temple w/the money changers.
otherwise he was kind and patient and compassionate for people.. how can this be?
why such a difference in personality if they are the same "person"?
by juni injehovah the god of the hebrew scriptures treatment of his creation is questionable.. jesus (his son) of the greek scriptures only on one occasion lost his temper - in the temple w/the money changers.
otherwise he was kind and patient and compassionate for people.. how can this be?
why such a difference in personality if they are the same "person"?
The Dragon
If we are to be..or are sons of God...why did he call His brothers "little children"?
I can only guess...I am not allowed to read His mind today (unlike others who claim they can)..But could it have actually have been Him showing us how to be his showing(not just telling) how He would like His sons to act? by actually showing what a son of God should do..and be prepared to do to protect their weaker brothers and sisters?
I can only guess though.....
Little children deserve to die at Armageddon
by jambon1 infor the life of me, i cannot work this one out.
it disturbed me when i was a jw and it now just makes me plain angry.. here are some comments from ministerial servants & elders on this subject, which i heard when i was in:.
"you know, a while ago, people used to object to the idea of children dying at armageddon but nowadays there is a spirit in kids (massive generalisation), which just seems to make them fit for destruction.
The Dragon
That is not my definition of "good news"...see how words have different meanings to different people.
What was Hitler's definition of "good news"..or "peace"?
I am pretty confident that his goals being met was his idea of peace on earth..although I don't think the Jews would have agreed...and would have defined his definition of peace on earth as "death".
How much different is the JW doctrine definition of "peace on earth" or "good news"?
or would all others define their defintions as "death" for them?
Abate the hate..or is too late for them to do so now?
Little children deserve to die at Armageddon
by jambon1 infor the life of me, i cannot work this one out.
it disturbed me when i was a jw and it now just makes me plain angry.. here are some comments from ministerial servants & elders on this subject, which i heard when i was in:.
"you know, a while ago, people used to object to the idea of children dying at armageddon but nowadays there is a spirit in kids (massive generalisation), which just seems to make them fit for destruction.
The Dragon
They obvisiously define unconditional love as judgement and death to the people who don't make the same sacrifices they do, and agree and obey them and how they think they should live their lives.
Kinda sick ain't it? I don't even think they realize what the hell they are really doing for real..kinda sad too imo.
Their words say "unconditional love" but their thoughts, actions, and intentions say judgement, punishment, and death to anyone who does not measure to their idea of a master race.
If Jesus was going to kill everyone..why did He bother dying to protect them..and beg for them to be forgiven and spared?
Can you forgive and condemn and it be the same thing?
What prophecies pointed to Timothy and gave him his gift?
by The Dragon inwas reading this the other day...and there is no undisputable answer to this question.. .
was timothy and his gift foretold?
where the letters ment for a kid in pauls time..or a are they coded messages and instructions to a kid in the future who understands the code?.
The Dragon
was reading this the other day...and there is no undisputable answer to this question.
Was timothy and his gift foretold?
Where the letters ment for a kid in Pauls time..or a are they coded messages and instructions to a kid in the future who understands the code?
What was the "wine" he was told to drink for his frequent sickness? can someone provide a undisputable answer to these questions? Or a guess presented as an answer would be better than nothing I suppose...those seem to be about all we can get these days anyway.
Are we "evil" by choice..or don't know a better way yet?
by The Dragon inare people "evil" (in god's definition?
) or just don't know what "good" is yet?
(god's defintion of good that is).. how many people would be saved if they somehow found they wanted to do "good"?
The Dragon
Are people "evil" (in God's definition?) or just don't know what "good" is yet? (God's defintion of good that is).
How many people would be saved if they somehow found they wanted to do "good"? Could people be convinced to do good if they seen the end results of doing it? And liked them?
Is Jehovah evil? Overheard at the public talk.
by Zico ini heard a new teaching from the public talk today that i'd never heard before.
the speaker asked a rhetorical question, asking if jehovah would be evil for killing 6 billion people during armageddon?
(yes, he actually said, killing 6 billion people) he then followed it up by saying 'yes!
The Dragon
How do you justify or defend a god who plans to kill billions of people..who don't even know the truth as to the definitions of the words He used in the Bible?
We don't have a clue as to what "evil" is...righteousness is..hell we don't even know what "fire" is!
Go ask everyone what "evil" is..see how many different answers you get. Ask your self who knows God's definition of "evil" out of all of them.
I think we are all "evil"..but it is still just my guess..and i also don't think we are "evil" by choice...just don't know anything better yet.
Again....just my guess.
Does God communicate with you?
by Fisherman ina bible verse says " ..the one planting the ear can he not listen?
The Dragon
I have tossed this over a few times.....
No way of knowing what if any of our thoughts are truly our own..or a higher power commmunicating with us.
he may have helped einstian build the bomb so we could destroy ourselves for Him, saving Him the trouble and responsibility of doing it.
All I have is guesses..and questions.
Only God himself knows the true answer to that question...And I am not allowed to read his mind today.
What will your God do to Jehovah's Witnesses?
by BCZAR2ME inon judgement day--what will be the fate of jehovah's witnesses?.
The Dragon
tell the universal truth and expose their guesses for what they are...taking away all their power and authority over others by doing so.
Make the students teachers..and the teachers students..
That is my wish.
Whats it like?
by The Dragon inwhats it like to lose your children to hypocrites, liars, and guessers.... what drives them to lean upon guesses about their parents from others who exault themselves and present thier mere guesses as facts to them?.
why do they not search for the truth and answers from the source?.
too much work?
The Dragon
Whats it like to lose your children to hypocrites, liars, and guessers...
What drives them to lean upon guesses about their parents from others who exault themselves and present thier mere guesses as facts to them?
Why do they not search for the truth and answers from the source?
Too much work? Too scared? Or or the hypocrites overly tying them down attending to their needs and desires in exchange for their guesses?
Or have they presented a guess that the source is a bloodthirsty bully that will destroy them if they search for answers beyond their authority and guesses?
Or just don't care?
This entire world has me puzzled to no end.